Join us for a Passover Seder you will remember for a lifetime. Relive the exodus from Egypt, discover the eternal meaning of the Hagaddah, and enjoy handmade Shmurah Matzah. 

Enjoy wine and a wonderful dinner spiced with traditional customs.

Experience the liberation and freedom of Passover and discover the seder's relevance in our lives today. 

Saturday, April 12 at 8:30pm
Hosted at CBJ, 401 9th St.

1st Night Community Seder RSVP

Your Info
Event Fee(s)
We firmly believe that every Jew is welcome at the Seder table. If your financial circumstances don't allow you to help cover the cost, please select "complimentary" below and record the number of attendees in the notes.
How Many Adults *
How Many Children

I'd like to help cover the costs of the Seder

Other Amount