Thank you for helping usher in the Jewish year of 5785 … sweetly and powerfully!

This past year has shown that having a strong Jewish community is more important than ever. 

Your support provides a place for every Jew to belong. To feel at home. To celebrate Judaism. To feel connected to the community. To be there for each other and for the Jewish people.

With the High Holidays approaching, help us to continue to be a source of joy, warmth and inspiration to hundreds of people across the community.

Our sages teach that when we are charitable and generous to others, G-d is charitable and generous with us. Your donation will open chanels of blessings for a sweet and healthy New Year.

Dirah is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. To donate from a DAF or via ACH, Venmo, Zelle or check - please email

We will be creating a display for the High Holidays called The Caring Wall, where every person who gives will be listed. You can choose to remain anonymous.

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